Visit our Wellness Center!

We’ve recently expanded our business to include wellness services since we strongly believe that a healthy body starts with a focus on proactively taking care of our minds and bodies.

We believe that your health is a lifelong journey, and we are here to support you every step of the way. We look forward to helping you achieve your wellness goals.

At this time, we are unable to accept insurance as a payment method for our wellness services. We appreciate your patience with us.

Contact Wellness

  • Halo IR Infrared Sauna

    Experience our state-of-the-art sauna combining halotherapy with infrared.

    Great for improving respiratory health, strengthening the immune system, relieving chronic pain and stress, and promoting healing of the skin.

  • Salt Room

    Relax in our beautiful Salt Room while enjoying the health benefits of halotherapy.

    This natural therapy promotes better breathing, healthier skin, sounder sleep, improved physical fitness, and overall wellness.

  • Massage Therapy

    We provide massages that are tailed to you and your needs.

    We currently offer Custom Massages, Synergy Hot Stone Massage, and Pregnancy Massages.

  • Reiki

    Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that has great benefits.

    It is known to help relieve pain, anxiety and fatigue while boosting your mood and enhancing your quality of life.

  • Nutrition and Wellness Counseling

    Our nutrition and wellness counseling services will help you achieve your health and wellness goals through personalized support and guidance.

    Services include personalized meal planning, advice on healthy lifestyle habits, and support for making sustainable changes to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

  • Yoga and Meditation

    Yoga creates mental clarity, increases body awareness and relieves chronic stress patterns.

    We offer six different classes. Slow Flow, Meditation and Movement, Meditative Slow Flow, Restorative Flow with Trauma Enforced Cuing, and Vinyasa Flow.